All in Fashion & Styling

A little High Street Shopping for Spring.

Here I am jumping for joy because it felt like Spring........and then the snow came!  Those of you who've known me for a while know that for the last few winters I have been able to escape to Byron Bay to avoid the worst of the English weather. This year, sod's law, I stayed here, apart from three amazing weeks in India, and realised that I may have the best vintage coats in the world but absolutely no warm clothes to wear underneath...........

Vintage lady, vintage style!

I love vintage style and I'm also a vintage lady, so a couple of years ago I started a hashtag on Instagram called #vintageladyvintagestyle 'cause I wanted anyone at any age to join in and show their gorgeous outfits off, vintage or non-vintage, especially if they're Over 50 and no longer feeling invisible! But I need to recruit some new members as there just aren't enough of us out there strutting our stuff..............